A video and images telling the story of a family reunited having been lost to each other for three years during war. Nyabit Makuach and her two sisters were separated from their mother when armed soldiers attacked their village and burnt down their home. The three sisters took refuge in the jungle for nearly two weeks for fear of their lives, when they fled the sisters lost their mother and suspected she had been killed.

“I would always cry when I thought of my mum, I thought she was dead and I didn’t think I would see her again.”

Through the help of UNICEF and partners the three sisters were reunited after three years apart with their mother in Bor, South Sudan.


Three sisters where separated from their parents in 2013 when soliders stormed their village and burnt their homes. The three sisters had to live in the bush for eight days until it was safe to come out from hiding. They where taken in by the IDP camp (Internally Displaced Persons) set up by local NGO's in the region. They spent over three years in the IDP camp until with the help of UNICEF and partners where finally reunited with their mother. This video documents the sisters struggle and how they finally where reunified with their family.