Photographs and videos illustrating the many ways MSF offers healthcare assistance to those living in Nduta refugee camp, Tanzania. Over 100,000 Burundi refugees live in Nduta camp. Nduta camp borders Burundi where civil war has caused hundreds of thousands to flee. A widely undocumented conflict sees these displaced persons now living stateless with a lack of access to basic resources such as food and healthcare. Medicines Sans Frontiere established a hospital in this camp in 2015 to provide healthcare to these refugees. The healthcare includes emergency A&E, maternal health, general health, mental health and outreach programmes.
Her identity remains anonymous due to the physical and mental assault that took place in her home in Burundi. After her husband and two sons were killed, she fled to Burundi. This video contains some sensitive and upsetting accounts of what has taken place in her life. Now living in Nduta camp, Tanzania MSF is working hard to help improve her physical and mental health.
Datchmy Feledina is a refugee living in Nduta camp, Tanzania. Datchmy fled Burundi when the civil war broke out in 2015. After seeing his sons killed in front of him he feared for his life and saw no option but to leave his home. Now living in Nduta camp he has visited MSF hospital for treatment for both his Asthma, and lung disease. Unable to walk far distances due to his condition MSF now make home visits to continue his treatment. Watch his story here.